Demand Generation for MedTech Sales in this Covid Era
Announcing a new series of video casts and podcasts!
We are shifting gears to “Demand Generation” after over 2 months of subject matter experts on the subject of “Going Virtual” with presentations, sales processes, new tools, events and tradeshows. Last week, I said it would be Marketing Automation. However, in the process of lining up experts, I learned that MA may be a subset of Demand Generation. In a world where you can’t rely on your salesforce, distribution channels and tradeshows to generate leads, Demand Generation becomes critical. It is time that sales gets some support from marketing muscle. See the schedule below.
No offense to my MedTech colleagues, but historically, we have been terrible marketers. Many small to medium sized MedTech companies are technology and/or sales driven. That is great when you have access to health care professionals. It doesn’t work in a pandemic restricted environment. You need to employ other strategies and tactics to find and qualify prospects.
In the MedTech Leaders Community we bring you the experts. Sure, most of these events get turned into a podcast. However, in a podcast you miss the slides and the ability to actually see how something is done. Community members also get early access to the video cast recording if they can’t make the actual event. Finally, community members can reach out to each other to share best practices, problems, solutions and successes.
At the end of this series on Demand Generation, I expect that you will have the information necessary to economically and effectively implement new strategies and tactics that find prospects and move them into the sales funnel.
Here is the message I got from one European member after he watched the video cast on embedding videos in emails:
“Have been using soapbox after your introduction earlier this month with very encouraging feedback from recipients ! Actually I’m putting my whole team on this tech, the opening rate has doubled!!”
Other members have said that the series on “Going Virtual” was “Like a Master Class.”
That is what I call return on investment for being a member. There is a 30-day free trial. Learn something for free! Join over 70 members from 18 countries. Link to MedTech Leaders Https://
Live event schedule in the MedTech Leaders Community:
Week 1 – This Thursday, November 5 at 4pm, EST – MTL member Bob Iasillo on his surprising choice in DIY social media campaign that significantly boosted his website performance and gained actionable leads. You will be surprised by his social media channel of choice. I was.
Week 2 – Tuesday, November 10 at Noon EST – An expert on enhancing email campaign performance for demand generation. What doesn’t work and what does.
Week 3 –An expert on Marketing Automation. What is it and how does it work? And, why it is so effective.
Week 4 – We talk to the GM North America of a major Marketing Automation platform to better understand what they offer and how it can economically benefit small and medium sized MedTech companies.
And more…
There is a 30-day free trial. Learn something for free! Join over 70 members from 18 countries. Link to MedTech Leaders Https://
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Go Win Your Week!!