
The purpose of Medical Device Success is to help small and medium size medical device companies with leadership, marketing and sales challenges by sharing the
experience, insights, education and judgment that Ted has gained throughout his career.

One of the unique and exciting traits of medical device companies is that they are frequently founded by entrepreneurial engineers, scientists, doctors and others that see a need to be filled and invent a product to take care of that need. They have the initiative to invent a product and give birth to a company.  Now at $1 million, $4 million or $20 million of revenues, where do they go?  How do you excel and start behaving like a $100 million company?  This is where Medical Device Success can help.

Ted has over 27 years of experience as a successful medical device marketing, sales and operations executive. Many of the companies he worked for were start-ups and/or emerging growth companies with new concept technologies. 

He began his career as a sales representative for a division of the AHSC. He progressed through positions of greater responsibility at several medical device companies including marketing management, international sales management, VP of Sales, VP of Sales & Marketing and President US operations.  Ted has device experience in neurosurgery, urology, plastic surgery, dermatology and general surgery. His ophthalmic industry experience includes MacuLogix, KeraVision, Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems, Heidelberg Engineering and Reichert Technologies. Ted has a BS General Business from Miami University (Oxford, OH) and a Masters International Management from the Thunderbird School of Global Management (Glendale, AZ).  Ted is the co-author of Sales Careers: The Ultimate Guide to Getting a High Paying Sales Job.

Currently Ted is the President and CEO of Medical Device Success and SRD Vision, LLC.   He has served as a member of the board of Apeliotus Vision Science (now MacuLogix, Inc.). Ted resides in Philadelphia, PA.  When he isn’t working and writing, he likes to spend his time with family, swimming, sailing and playing cribbage. Ted’s LinkedIn address is www.linkedin.com/in/tednewill/ 

Ted is also the “owner” of the LinkedIn Group Bootstrap Medical Devices which can be found at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12108090

You can follow Ted on Twitter @TedNewill

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