About Ted

I am an expert in marketing and sales of medical devices with an emphasis on ophthalmic devices. Right now, I spend most of my time consulting with small to medium sized medical device companies to help them succeed.

by in Strategic Planning

Episode 94 – Value Based Care and MedTech with Douglas Jacobs, MD, Chief Transformation Officer, Center for Medicare, CMS

Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes You can’t talk about Value Based Care without including CMS and the Center for Medicare in the conversation.  In many of the past episodes on VBC we repeatedly refer to Medicare.  Today we get their input with the help of Douglas Jacobs, MD, Chief Transformation Officer, Center for Medicare […]

by in Strategic Planning

Episode 93 – Corporate Accounts…What Has Changed with Frank Ripullo II, Managing Partner, Excelerant Consulting

Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes Great insights and advice on Corporate Accounts in MedTech. Multiple factors have impacted the relationships between MedTech companies and their customers over the past 2 years.  The pandemic started a cascade of events influencing elective surgeries, budgets, HCP shortages, HCP costs, supply chains and so on. One area these […]

by in Strategic Planning

Episode 92 – Win, Win, Win in the C-Suite with Wael Barsoum, MD, President and Chief Transformation Officer, HOPCo

Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes How does MedTech be part of the Win, Win, Win with providers, payers and patients as hospital systems move toward Value Based Care models? The challenge of crossing the chasm between Fee For Service and Value Based Care intrigued Wael Barsoum, MD.  He wanted to play a more significant […]

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