About Ted

I am an expert in marketing and sales of medical devices with an emphasis on ophthalmic devices. Right now, I spend most of my time consulting with small to medium sized medical device companies to help them succeed.

by in Medical Device Sales, MedTech Sales, Sales Enablement, Strategic Planning

Episode 80 – Big Roles for Inside Sales in MedTech with Mike Sperduti, CEO, Emerge Sales

Reading time: 2 – 4 minutes MedTech sales and sales processes have been dramatically reshaped by the pandemic.  Many of these changes will be permanent.  One such change is the recognition of the importance and effectiveness of inside sales.  Our expert guide on the subject is Mike Sperduti, CEO, Emerge Sales.  He will explain the […]

by in Strategic Planning

Episode 79 – Foundation of AI in Healthcare and MedTech with Jonathan Chen, MD, PhD, Stanford

Reading time: 3 – 5 minutes Let me start out with a factoid.  Every day…let me repeat those two words…Every day data from over 70 clinical trials and 11 systematic reviews are published.  How in the world are clinicians and hospital systems expected to keep up with that data to be sure they are delivering […]

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