by in Covid-19 and Medical Devices, Medical Device, Medical device leadership, Medical Device Marketing, Medical Device Podcast, Medical Device Sales, Medical devices, Medtech, MedTech Podcast, MedTech Sales, Trade Show Planning, Trade Shows

Episode 60 – The Covid State of Mind of Our Doctors…Our Customers

This survey gives a unique look into the minds of these doctors and their practices.  And, it has implications for MedTech sales and marketing for the remainder of 2021 and beyond. 

by in Covid-19 and Medical Devices, International Marketing and Sales, Medical Device, Medical Device Marketing, Medical Device Sales, Medical devices, Medical technology, Medtech

Episode 11 – To The Medical Device Sales Battlefront In The Covid Era

Reading time: 2 – 4 minutes In this episode Jeff Hydar takes us into the real world of a start-up medical device company that is quickly revising its sales process and marketing tools to adapt to selling in the very restrictive Covid Era.  Meet Jeff Hydar, VP Sales at Kent Imaging.  The Kent Imaging Team is adapting, […]

by in International Marketing and Sales, Marketing, Marketing Management, Medical Device Marketing, Medical Device Sales

Medtech International Marketing and Sales Efforts During Covid-19

Reading time: 3 – 4 minutes Episode 2 of the season – Medtech International Marketing and Sales Efforts During Covid-19  Season One – Covid-19 – how Medtech companies can respond in marketing, sales and operations. Today we are talking about international marketing in the Covid-19 era.  There is a good chance you are either a manufacturer […]

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