by in International Marketing and Sales, Medical Device, Medical Device Marketing, Medical Device Sales, Sales Management

Episode 6 – Selling in a Covid-19 World – New Sales Practices

Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes The Medical Device Success podcast series has been downloaded in 65 countries!  This was an eye-opening discovery when I was poking around my download statistics.  Not long ago, a French listener asked if I offered transcripts.  I haven’t…..yet.  With this new discovery, I will.  This week I will start making transcripts of past podcasts […]

by in Marketing, Marketing Management, Medical Device Marketing, Medical Device Sales, Sales, Sales Management, Strategic Planning, Trade Show Marketing, Trade Show Planning

Episode 4 – The Future of the Medical Device Industry in the Covid-19 Era

Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes Let me start out by saying that I am biased.  I am a marketing and sales guy.  And, marketing and sales personalities are typically optimistic.  We can leap tall buildings and fly faster than a speeding bullet.  We are built to overcome challenges.  However, this is a dangerous bias when looking into the Covid-19 […]

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