by in Covid-19 and Medical Devices, Medical Device, Medical Device Career, Medical Device Marketing, Medical Device Podcast, Medical Device Sales, Medical devices, Medtech, MedTech Podcast, MedTech Sales

Episode 59 – The New Art & Science of MedTech Sales

Reading time: 2 – 2 minutes Is sales an art or a science or a bit of both?  And, how has the art and science changed in the past year?  Some key trends in MedTech have accelerated due to the pandemic that will affect the art and science of selling.  This episode is a discussion […]

by in CRM, Medical Device, Medical Device Marketing, Medical Device Podcast, Medical Device Sales, Medical devices, Medtech, MedTech Podcast, MedTech Sales, Sales Enablement

Episode 57 – MedScout – Helping Your Sales Team Prospect and Sell, A Revenue Intelligence Platform

Reading time: 2 – 4 minutes You all know that data, properly configured can help your sales team.  However, this data can be very expensive and may not be configured in a way that is easy for your sales team to use.  Enter MedScout, a revenue intelligence platform for Life Science companies.  Skylar Talley, CEO, […]

by in Branding, General Commentary, Goals, Medical Device, Medical technology, Medtech, Resolutions

2020 Medtech Resolutions? Make them a Revolution!

So, what do you want your professional identity to be? And how will that determine some new actions/habits that you will take this year? When you are successful with this, you will have achieved more than a resolution, you will have started a personal revolution. Here are some suggestions to get your revolution started.

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