by in Marketing Management, Trade Show Marketing, Trade Show Planning, Trade Shows

Cha! Ching! Attracting and Driving Prospects to Your Exhibit! Post #2

The primary goals of most trade show exhibits are to get immediate sales and obtain leads that will result in sales in the near future. As a small to medium sized business, how can you break through all the marketing noise made by the large companies to attract prospects to your exhibit? Over the next few blog posts, let’s look at some economical tactics that can be used to move people to your exhibit.

by in Budgeting, Strategic Planning

“There is nothing quite as wonderful as money“ – From the Strategic Plan to the Annual Budget

Isn’t this true. “There is nothing quite as wonderful as money.” Maybe I should qualify that and say….there is nothing quite as wonderful as enough money to get the job done. And, if your experience in business is like mine…it seems like there is never enough. That brings us back to the focal point of Strategic Planning. With good planning, you focus your financial resources on the most important activities of your company or your area of responsibility within the company.

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